―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark X (10), was the first Advanced Iron Man Suit, and was the tenth suit created and built by Tony Stark, after the successful completion of the Mark IX, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made it's debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The suit was more advanced than a basic Iron Man suit, and is capable of surpassing a basic
suit's technology, such as the ability of having increased flight speed
and power, as well as being able to reach higher altitudes, an ability
that was later improved to a far more advanced level in it's successors.
It is equipped with visible and powerful extra repulsors,
attached to the sides of the suit, in the abdomen area, that were meant
to increase flight speed and power.
It also has advanced, oversized, and improved Flight Stabilizers,
equipped on the armor's soles, that enable it to also increase in power
and stregth. Enabling it to reach higher altitudes, as well as boosting
the suit's flight speed by thrice as much as that of the Mark IX's,
making it the fastest suit among any of it's predecessors, but was
later succeeded by more advanced technologies in advanced suits.
The suit retains the famous red and gold color scheme, as well as
it's signature repulsors, that were applied to most of it's
predecessors. The suit has a different design compared to the basic
suits, having an enhanced chest piece, redesigned colored plates, and a
slightly different, unique design on the face mask.
The Mark X was later succeeded by another advanced suit, called the Mark XI.
The suit is another basic Iron Man suit, presumably upgraded to have
more flight, speed, and power. It has been equipped with extra visible
repulsors on it's sides near the abdomen area, meant to increase speed
and power. Also, on the soles of its feet, it has oversized and improved
Flight Stabilizers, increasing it's power, letting it reach
high-altitudes and go faster. It was the fastest suit until other suits
such as Tiger and Shotgun. Other differences include a enhanced chest piece, redesigned colored plates, and a new face plate design.
It was created after the New York battle and added to the Iron Legion.
When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it came with the rest of
the Armors to assist Tony in the Extremis battle. Near the end of the
battle, it mistook Pepper as a Extremis soldier and began attacking her.
Tony tried to tell it to fall back but it continued. Pepper then
attacked and smashed the armor, using its repulsors to kill The
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark XI (11), was the second Advanced Iron Man Suit, and was the eleventh suit created and built by Tony Stark, after the completion and successful tests on the Mark X, which was also an advanced Iron Man suit, as well as the first one built, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made it's debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
It was created after the New York City battle and placed into the Iron Legion.
When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it and the other suits
flew to Florida and helped Tony fight off the Extremis soldiers. It was
destroyed by either the "Clean Slate Protocol" or the Extremis soldiers.
Hi visitor my name is NaRuBatE.This blog is all about character of Marvel.I hope this blog can make you interest and know about character of marvel.I hope that youwillvisit this blogagain.
Stanley Martin Lieber was born in 1922 in a Jewish family in New York with his brother Larry Lieber family as it is not good enough, he was 17, he had worked with Martin. Goodman ( who was the husband of his cousin ) in the beginning he was a office as well as the wide variety of refill paper for artists . Eventually Joe Simon created Captain America , land of Timely and hired him as an employee . The first work he has done in his career as a writer is to write a story without pictures, Captain America ( in this he had written to Captain Paloma the first time ) and he was using a false name that Stan lee for the store name is . the novel he intended to write later.
When the 40's. Standard began as a Comic , and has participated in the creation of characters such as Jack Frost and Joe Simon and Jack Kirby on Destroyer resigned to Timely . The position is a temporary stand on his land just age 19 only .When World War II began , he enlisted in the Army and worked as one of the previous writers (Playwright) , together with nine other writers who have the Dr Seuss and Frank cappa!When he returned, he married and returned to the office listening to now renamed as Atlas Comics , but he wants nothing more than to stop and think about a career change and until the 1950's Dc Comics superheroes has begun a new instance . the Flash (Barry Allen 1956) and team Justice League. Martin goodman thus severing them. Stand the heroes team up a bit . This is the birth of the Silver Age.Stan wants to give his hero a hero, but not to read . I actually have a life , love and other financial issues and not the same for Brooke at the old hero like Superman.
Marvel's characters have more than150characters.All character werebuiltbyStanley Martin Lieber.Stanley Martin Lieber is includedshowing alltheMarvelfilmsthathe created.
Example hotdog vendor - x-men(2000),Pedestrian - Spiderman(2002),Distracted reader - Deardevil(2003),Chatty security guard - Hulk(2003),Heroic pedestrian - Spiderman 2(2003),Willie lumpkin - Fantastic four(2005),Jean Grey's neighbor - X-men 3 the last stand (2006),etc.
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark 16 (XVI), which is also known as the "Nightclub", is a Black Stealth Suit, and was one of the many newly built suits created by Tony Stark, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made its debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The suit earned it's name the "Nightclub", because just like "Sneaky", it has a Cloaking System embedded within it's armor, only it is more advanced and can fully blend in with it's environment, especially during the night.
Since the suit was built with an Advanced Cloaking System, it has very limited weapons, and does not carry as much as the Mark 15 does, to allow it's stealth system to take place and run smoothly. The only weapons it carries, are it's signature repulsors that it retains from it's previous Mark suits. The Mark 16 is only suitable for stealth missions and is not suitable for heavy combat.
Armor Design
The Mark 16's design was based off on that of the Mark 15's. Instead of the Mark 15's chrome plated colored scheme, it has a black color scheme with golden platings on it. The suit has a slim and sleek appearance, allowing flexibility in movement during stealth missions.
The suit, just like it's predecessor, is much lighter than the usual Iron Man suit, to enhance it's speed and the effects of it's stealth system, making it the perfect suit suitable only for stealth missions. The suit retains the signature Repulsors, as well as it's Chest Repulsor and it's Vibranium Powered Arc Reactor that have been used in the previous Mark suits.
Technological Characteristics
The Mark 16's technology and design, was based off on the Mark 15's. As Tony sought to improve the Mark 15's stealth abilities, he improved it by including all of the special characteristics into the Mark 16 suit that the Mark 15 had, such as the the cloaking system that was embedded within it's armor, the slim and sleek appearance to allow flexibility, and the light weight of the suit that enhances it's speed and it's stealth system's effects.
Unlike all the other suits, these features are only common with the Mark 16 and the Mark 15.
The Mark 16 uses a more advanced cloaking system, that was based off on it's predecessor's basic cloaking system. This time it was an improved version of it's predecessor and it was built to specialize purely in stealth as well as have the ability to have a long-lasting effect during stealth missions.
It's advanced cloaking system allows it to use pure stealth, which makes it entirely invisible to enemy warnings and allows it to completely blend in with it's environmental surroundings, especially during the night. This feature allows it to go completely unseen and is only suitable during stealth missions.
The Mark 16, along with all the other newly built Mark suits, uses a more advanced technology that was based off on the Mark VII's technology, which is able to wrap itself around Tony's body, without the aid of robotic arms or any external mechanicals.
It can flexibly open itself to allow Tony to enter into the suit and automatically wrap itself around him, anywhere at anytime, much like the Mark 42's technology and the other newly built Mark suits'.
Most of the suit's energy is directed towards it's cloaking system, to be able to supply it with enough energy to keep it running for as long as it can, as well as to enable it to run smoothly, in times when it's stealth mode was needed.
The suit retains it's technological systems, that have been used in the previous Mark suits. Such as the suit's status system, it's flight system, the navigation system controlled by J.A.R.V.I.S., and the anti-icing system, along with J.A.R.V.I.S. to control the suit and take place as it's A.I. While the suit also features it's new system, which is it's specialty, the advanced cloaking system.
The suit, being built to be compatible only for stealth missions, is not suitable for heavy combat nor is it as combat-ready as the usual Iron Man suit. It has very limited weapons, and it's only weapons are the signature repulsors that it retains from it's previous Mark suits. The suit is only suitable for stealth missions and is very limited to heavy combat.
Since the Mark 16 was built purely for stealth, it has very limited weapons. Despite it's limitation to weapons, it is still combat ready and retains it's only signature weapons, which are the Repulsors on it's feet and hands, as well as the one on it's chest which is called the Unibeam. These are the only known weapons of the Mark 16.
The Mark 16's Repulsors retains the signature repulsors that were used in the previous Mark suits, as well as it's Vibranium Powered Chest Repulsor, and has the same power level from before.
The repulsors on it's hands can be used as a powerful weapon as well as a source of thrust during flight, and the ones on it's feet are used for flight stabilization and can also be used as a weapon.
The Chest Repulsor, can be used as well as a very powerful weapon, but only in dire situations or when needed, as it drains the suit's power faster than the regular repulsors on it's hands and feet.
It's design was based off of the Mark 15's designs, but instead of chrome, it had a black color scheme with golden plates so it can be slim and sleek appearance and have flexibility on Stealth missions. It is lighter to enhance speed and effects. This one has almost no weapons, besides the repulsors and chest uni-beam.
Sometime after the events of The Avengers, Tony, who was haunted by what happened in New York, got obsessed in making more Iron Man suits. One of them was the Mark 16.
This time, he designed the Mark 16 to specialize in pure stealth, and much like it's predecessor, created an advanced cloaking system that was built within the suit's armor, for it to be able to completely blend in with it's environment.
After creating the Mark 16 suit, he kept it under his house in the place called the Hall of Armors, in where he kept all the other Mark suits that he had created one after the other except for the original 7 Mark Armors. After he was finished creating the Mark 16, he pursued to creating the next Mark suit, which was the famous Mark 17, or otherwise known as the "Heartbreaker".
In the movie Iron Man 3, the Mark 16 was still kept under Tony's house in the Hall of Armors, in the first parts of the movie. After Tony's house was attacked and destroyed by the forces of The Mandarin, the Hall of Armors was still standing as it was buried deep under Tony's house, with all of the newly built Mark suits that he created, including the Mark 16.
In the middle of the movie, when Tony was in the docks along with his best friend Rhodey, in his confrontation with Aldrich Killian, he ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to help Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The Mark 16, together with all the other Mark suits, arrived at the scene, just in time to help Tony defeat Aldrich. With the Mark 17 first appearing, followed by the other Mark suits, including the Mark 16. When Tony fights Aldrich Killian, the Mark 16 is the second suit he wears in the battle. Killian heavily damages the armor, causing Stark to eject himself from the suit seconds before Killian rips the Arc Reactor from the chest piece, while Tony continues fighting using the Mark 40.
Both the Mark 16 and the Mark 15, were the first two suits in the entire storyline of the Iron Man films, including The Avengers, to feature a stealth ability.
The Mark 16 was one of the many suits that could be seen in the Iron Man 3 movie theatrical poster, along with the Marks 17, 24, 33, 39, and 41, with the Mark 42 being worn by Tony.
In the movie, the Mark 16 had a different color scheme compared to it's original design of having the black and gold color scheme. Instead it had a red and gold color scheme, just like the basic Iron Man suit has. This may imply that it could have been an error, or a customization to the director's desire while making the film.
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark 17 (XVII) or otherwise known as the "Heartbreaker", is an Artillery Level RT Suit and was one of the many newly built suits created by Tony Stark, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made its debut in the movie, when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The suit earned it's name the "Heartbreaker", because it has an oversized chest RT, which can fire powerful blasts. The "Heartbreaker" can fire narrow or wide beams and can also generate a repulsor shield for protection.
Armor Design
The Mark 17 has a red and gold color scheme, like most of it's predecessors, and the usual Iron Man suit. It has a bulkier but fit appearance, because of it's thicker multiple-layered titanium platings, and has an oversized chest repulsor RT built within the suit's armored chest area, which is it's most unique and notable feature, and is also where it's special abilities lie.
The suit has four titanium bar-like structures in the chest area, that are interlocked with the suit, which extend all the way to the shoulder plates and down to the back, then back to the chest area, through the sides of the upper abdomen area, which creates an x-like appearance that firmly holds the oversized chest repulsor together, as well as providing more space for the Unibeam's size.
The suit's helmet and mask were based on the first designs of the one in the Mark 11. The mask's appearance differs from all the other suits, as it has a more rough edged look and is not as smooth and sleek like a usual Iron Man suit does. It has four silver rectangular shaped platings on the whole mask, that extend all the way to the back, with two on each side of the mask's upper area, which are the railings that grant the mask the ability to slide up and down when activated to do so by Tony at free will.
All of the Mark 17's notable features were later used among the many newly built suits created by Tony, and these features are only common with the Marks 11, 17, 18, 24, and 28. With the Mark 11 having the first design on the mask, and the Mark 17 having the rest of the features present that were used in all the other Mark suits.
The suit, like it's predecessors, retains the signature Repulsors, that were used in the previous Mark suits, as well as it's Vibranium Powered Arc Reactor that powers the entire suit, while it's Chest Repulsor was specially modified for the suit's functionalities.
It has a bulkier but fit appearance, because of it's thicker multiple-layered titanium platings, and has an oversized chest repulsor RT built within the suit's armored chest area, which is it's most unique and notable feature, that can shoot powerful blast. The mask was based off of the Mark XI. It shoots a powerful Unibeam that has a wide or narrow range and can fire faster. It can also generate a force field for protection. The suit's helmet and mask designs are similar to the Mark XI, however it's mask has a more rough edged look and not as smooth as other armors.
The suit was created after the New York battle. Tony realized that there couldn't be one suit that could do anything, so he started building suits specializing in certain areas. Heartbreaker was built and put into the Hall of Armor with the Iron Legion. When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it lead The suits to Florida and fought in the Extremis battle. When Red Snapper was in trouble, Tony ordered Heartbreaker to help Snapper while the suit was covered in Extremis soldiers, but it arrived too late, as an Extremis soldier ripped off it's face plate, sending it flying into the oil rig. It then came and picked up Rhodey, seeing as all the suits were only coded to Tony. However, a Extremis soldier jumped onto the suit and Heartbreaker was forced to drop Rhody. It was either destroyed by the "Clean Slate Protocol" or the Extremis soldiers, though it was likely destroyed by the soldiers.
-Heartbreaker appeared in the Club Penguins Game: The Avengers.
-It is one of the armors that can be seen in the theatrical poster for the movie
-It is probably the leader of the Iron Legion because it was leading them to Florida and first to arrive at the battle.
The Mark 17 was the first suit to arrive at the scene, in the docks, during Tony's confrontation with Aldrich Killian, in the movie Iron Man 3.
Due to the Mark 17s popularity and it being the first to arrive at the scene in the docks, as well as positioned in the middle of all the other suits, it has been considered that it is the leader of the Iron Legion.
The Mark 17 was one of the many suits that could be seen in the Iron Man 3 movie theatrical poster, along with the Marks 16, 24, 33, 39 and 41, with the Mark 42 being worn by Tony.
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark XIV (14), was the last Advanced Iron Man Suit, and was the fourteenth suit built and created by Tony Stark, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made its debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian
Iron Man 3
The Mark XII was created after the New York battle and added to the Iron Legion. When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it and the rest of the Armors flew to Florida to assist Tony in the Extremis battle. It was either destroyed by the "Clean Slate Protocol" or at the hands of the Extremis soldiers.
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for their arrival.
The Mark 15 (XV), which is also known as "Sneaky", is a Stealth Suit, and was one of the many newly built suits created by Tony Stark, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made its debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The suit earned it's name "Sneaky", because it was built with a Cloaking System within it's armor, that enables it to use stealth. It is known for being able to camouflage itself within it's surroundings by lightening or darkening it's chrome colored armor.
Armor Design
The Mark 15's most notable features are it's slim and smooth body armor. It has a chrome colored plating, which allows it to turn lighter or darker to suit it's environment.
The suit is lighter than the usual Iron Man suit, to allow it's stealth system to take effect and to easily cope with stealth missions. The suit retains it's signature Repulsors, as well as it's Chest Repulsor and it's Vibranium Powered Arc Reactor, like it's previous Mark suits.
Technological Characteristics
The Mark 15, was designed for stealth and was specially built in with a cloaking system within it's armor, to enable stealth, unlike all the other previous Mark suits.
It's cloaking system allows it's chrome plated armor to lighten or darken depending on it's environmental surroundings, enabling it to use stealth and become virtually invisible to go unseen in early enemy warnings.
The Mark 15, along with all the other newly built Mark suits, uses a more advanced technology that was based off on the Mark VII's technology, which is able to wrap itself around Tony's body, without the aid of robotic arms or any external mechanicals.
It can flexibly open itself to allow Tony to enter into the suit and automatically wrap itself around him, anywhere at anytime, much like the Mark 42's technology and the other newly built Mark suits'.
Most of the suit's energy is directed towards it's cloaking system to be able to supply it with enough energy to enable it to function well and run smoothly during stealth missions.
The suit retains it's technological systems, that have been used in the previous Mark suits. Such as the suit's status system, it's flight system, the navigation system controlled by J.A.R.V.I.S., and the anti-icing system, along with J.A.R.V.I.S. to control the suit and take place as it's A.I. While the suit also features it's new system, which is it's specialty, the cloaking system.
Having been built to be lighter than the usual Iron Man suit, to help enhance it's stealth system's effects, the suit is still suitable for combat, despite it's limited weapons, but is not as combat ready as the usual Iron Man suit. The suit is only suitable for stealth missions and is limited to heavy combat.
Since the suit was built for stealth, it has limited weapons. But it is still combat ready and has a few weapons equipped on it. It also retains it's signature weapons, which are the Repulsors on it's feet and hands, as well as the one on it's chest which is called the Unibeam.
The Mark 15's Repulsors and it's Chest Repulsor, retain the signature repulsors from the previous Mark suits and has the same power level from before.
The repulsors on it's hands can be used as a powerful weapon as well as a source of thrust during flight, and the ones on it's feet are used for flight stabilization and can also be used as a weapon.
The Chest Repulsor, can be used as well as a very powerful weapon, but only in dire situations or when needed, as it drains the suit's power faster than the regular repulsors on it's hand and feet.
Other Weapons
The Mark 15, is also equipped with other weapons, but it is unsure what these weapons may be, some may include Missiles, Lasers, Mini Guns or Bullet Holes attached to suit's external structure.
The suit is lighter than most other suits, so that it is easier for stealth missions. Its most noticeable features are it's slim and smooth body armor. The chrome painting allows it to turn lighter or darker. It cannot be seen on enemy early-warning systems due to it's stealth features. Most of the suit's energy is directed towards the cloaking system so that it could function and run smoothly in a mission. Due to lesser weaponry, it is less suited for combat that other Iron Man suits, but Is still combat ready.
The suit was inspired by the Stealth Armors in the comic book series.
This suit resembles the Black Armor in appearance from the comics.
This is the first suit in the entire series to be named and feature Stealth abilities.
The Mark 15, was the first suit in the entire storyline of the Iron Man films, including The Avengers, to feature a stealth ability. The other being it's successor, the Mark 16
Sometime after the events of The Avengers, Tony, who was haunted by what happened in New York, got obsessed in making more Iron Man suits. One of them was the Mark 15.
He designed the Mark 15 to specialize in stealth, and created a cloaking system that was built within the suit's armor, for it to be able to match and blend in with it's environment.
After creating the Mark 15 suit, he kept it under his house in the place called the Hall of Armors, in where he kept all the other Mark suits that he had created one after the other except for the original 7 Mark Armors. After he was finished creating the Mark 15, he was presumed to create the next and improved version, which was the Mark 16.
In the movie Iron Man 3, the Mark 15 was still kept under Tony's house in the Hall of Armors, in the first parts of the movie. After Tony's house was attacked and destroyed by the forces of The Mandarin, the Hall of Armors was still standing as it was buried deep under Tony's house, with all of the newly built Mark suits that he created, including the Mark 15.
In the middle of the movie, when Tony was in the docks along with his best friend Rhodey, in his confrontation with Aldrich Killian, he ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to help Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
The Mark 15, together with all the other Mark suits, arrived at the scene, just in time to help Tony defeat Aldrich. With the Mark 17 first appearing, followed by the other Mark suits, including the Mark 15, they flew around the docks and started fighting and blasting the Extremis Soldiers, including Aldrich.
In the ongoing battle, the suit though missing a leg, was used by Tony to escape the detonation of the Mark 42.
After the battle, the Mark 15 was never seen again, near the end of the movie.
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark XII (12), was the third Advanced Iron Man Suit, and was the twelfth suit created and built by Tony Stark, after the successful completion of the Mark XI, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made it's debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian
Armor Design
Unlike most of its predecessors, the Mark XII does not have the traditional red and gold color scheme.
The chest repulsor transmitter of this artillery-level suit can fire beams at normal strength or can be charged up to fire even more powerful blasts. The suit also generates a repulsor shield for protection against firearms and explosives. It has also changed color from the traditional red, gold, and silver to silver and black.
Iron Man 3
The Mark XII was created after the New York battle and added to the Iron Legion. When the "House Party Protocol" was ordered, it and the rest of the Armors flew to Florida to assist Tony in the Extremis battle. It was either destroyed by the "Clean Slate Protocol" or at the hands of the Extremis soldiers
―Tony and Rhodey talking about the "House Party Protocol" suits, while waiting for them to show up.
The Mark XIII (13), was the fourth Advanced Iron Man Suit, and was the thirteenth suit created and built by Tony Stark, after the successful completion of the Mark XII, sometime after the events of The Avengers.
It was featured in the movie Iron Man 3, and made it's debut in the movie when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with all the other suits to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian.
This was also was the first suit to feature a rectangular design chest piece for it's ARC Reactor.
First suit to have a rectangular-chest piece instead of a circle or triangle.
The suit was created after the New York battle and was added to the Iron Legion. When the "House Party Protocol" was made, it and the rest of the Armors flew to Florida to assist Tony in the Extremis battle. It was either destroyed by the Extremis soldiers, or by the "Clean Slate Protocol"