Mark VI

Technological Characteristics
The Largest Difference between the Mark VI and the older armors is the new (more powerful) Vibranium Core Arc Reactor, which provides as much power if not more in a slightly smaller reactor, allowing room for more improvements. The suit withstands prolonged and extreme combat situations with relatively minor damage, having only a few noticable cuts from Ivan Vanko's improved Arc Reactor Whips, despite the Mark V armor being nearly unrecognizable from a much lower-tech version of the weapons, although this can be atributable to the Mark V's somewhat lower technology and armor. It was also shown to be able to punch through the Hammer Drones with ease. It is shown to use the same OS as the Mark IV, which is different from the Mark II and III.The armor was able to absorb a great amount of fellow Avenger Thor Odinson's lightning; and proved powerful enough to go toe to toe with him. The armor is incredibly durable, sustaining little damage in conflict with Thor, and then heavy damage from a Helicarrier propellor. Also, in the beginning of The Avengers, it had the ability to function underwater. This is one of three suits that the movies confirm can work underwater, the others being the Mark 42 and Mark 37.
The Mark VI retains Iron Man's signature Repulsors in the hands and
feet, with the hands used as weapons and feet used as propulsion. It is
shown that repulsors are more powerful than the ones on the earlier
models, but presumably it is due to the higher output of the new ARC
reactor. Because of the new Repulsors he can also fly faster than
normal. The new and improved repulsors were proven highly effective
against Hammer Drones, and packed a big enough punch to greatly stun
Thor with even a blow to his armored chest. The hand repulsors also can
be used as small lasers as seen in the Avengers when Tony connects an
arc reactor to Stark Tower in New York City.
Laser Weapons
The Mark VI displayed a pair of one-use lasers that could be used to
cut anything with even the briefest contact, regardless of what it was.
they are mounted and fired from the handplates of the suit. These could
be chemical due to the nature of the small devices that were ejected
from the suit's gauntlet's upon usage.
Munition Pods
The Mark VI uses the same munition pods as the Mark III, mounted in
the shoulders. These have no differences from earlier armors. They
proved ineffective against Ivan Vankos Armor which they were used on.
Mini Missiles
The Mark 6 holds an arm-mounted, armor piercing wristrocket, an
evolved version of the arm-mounted missile launcher on the Mark III. The
armor also holds eight pods of propelled grenades in each arm. They
were shown to have great effect, as only three small missiles could
critically destroy a Hammer Drone. In the upper left shoulder of the
armor is three heavy duty missiles as well, but have not been seen put
to use.
The Armor Itself
The physical armor itself is a formidable weapon on it's own due to it's extreme level of strength and durability. It was shown in the final battle of Iron Man 2 easily punching through the thick metal chests of multiple Hammer Drones.
Other Weapons
Mark VI also possesses a Uni-beam (all direction beam), the hips are
equipped with flare pods that allow the Mark VI to evade heat seeking
missiles. The flares can also be used as weapons or distractions.Upgrades
Stark "Turn and Burn" Laser Weapon
The primary upgrade to the Mark VI is the inclusion of a prototype 200kW [estimated] laser system. The laser takes advantage of the increased power supply provided by the new RT chest piece and is configured for a one-time simultaneous shell discharge from each of the two gauntlets. The weapons may be chemical, as suggested by the nature of the ejected shells from the gauntlet. Another theory is that a micro-particle generator in the suit powered by the upgraded element could serve as a chem-particle core to generate energy enough to create an extreme exothermic reaction.Mini Missiles
Stark upgraded the wrist-mounted mini-missiles to newer casings that allow the missiles to penetrate through armored surfaces before detonating. While modifying the suit's gauntlets for the new casings, he also increased the capacity to a circle of 8 missiles.They were shown to have great effect, as only three small missiles could critically destroy a Hammer Drone. The Mark VI is equipped with twin rectangular six barreled shoulder-mounted missile launchers. The missiles seem to be computer-guided and micro-jet powered. These have no differences from earlier armors. They proved ineffective against Vanko's Mark II armor when fired upon. An upgraded version of these were seen in The Avengers on the Mark VII, modified as hip-mounted universal direction missile launchers with a circle of 16 missiles.
In Iron Man 2, Tony develops a new arc reactor when Nick Fury
passes him a briefcase containing a message from his father as Tony is
slowly being poisoned by his current palldium arc reactor. Along with
the new arc reactor, Tony builds an armor that is almost aesthetically
the same but with more weapons and more power. Tony uses this armor to
defeat Ivan Vanko and his minions along with War Machine.
Tony is still using the Mark VI in The Avengers, as the Mark VII is still incomplete. He fights Loki, with Captain America, and defeats him. They capture him and attempt to take him back to base on a Quinjet. However, Thor arrives to try to persuade Loki to change his ways. Misunderstanding him, Tony attacks Thor and a battle ensues. Captain America arrives and manages to stop the fight. Later, the Mark VI is too heavily damaged and Tony is forced to use the Mark VII when Loki throws him down the window of Stark Tower when Tony is not wearing armor.
The Mark VI did not appear in the pier with The Iron Legion. It was destroyed in the attack on Tony's mansion in Malibu, along with the suits in the Hall of Armors.
Technical Information: |
1st Appearance: Iron Man 2
Continuity: Marvel Cinematics Universe (Earth-199999)
Armor Information: |
Designer/Creator: Tony Stark
Users: Tony Stark
Affiliations: Hall of Armors
Mark Number: Mark VI
Code Name: None
Armor Class: Basic Iron Man Suit
Armor Type: All-Purpose Suit
Armor Color: Red With Golden & Silver Plates
Height: User's Height
Weight Level:
Very Light Light Average Heavy Very Heavy Extremely Heavy |
Status: Destroyed
Power Core: Vibranium Arc Reactor Mark I
Strength Level:
Very Low Low Average High Very High Extremely High |
Main Systems: Status System, Flight System, J.A.R.V.I.S. Navigation System, Anti-icing System, Flight Stabilization System
Chest Repulsor (Unibeam) 200-Pettawatt Laser Weapon |
Defense Systems: Enhanced Composite Armor With Ceramic Plating & Silicon-Infused Steel, Fiberglass Frame, Titanium Plating
Special Systems: Pressurized Armor System
Other Systems: --
Preceded by: Mark V
Followed by: Mark VII
Mark VII
- "...and there's one other person you've pissed off. His name was Phil."
- ―(The Avengers) Tony Stark to Loki in The Avengers.
It was featured in The Avengers movie, and made it's debut in the movie when Tony was forced to order J.A.R.V.I.S, to get it ready for combat, despite it still in completion, to use it in the upcoming battle with the Chitauri Army as the Mark VI was heavily damaged from its last use by Tony during the events in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.
The suit was built for heavy-combat, and is suitable for pre-war involved situations, as it was war-ready, and was heavily armed with weapons, which it was specially created for.
The armor has a unique feature that involves forming itself into a large red pod, and when opened, has mechanical arms, that can extend and reach into Tony's arms, grabbing them and slowly wrapping itself around him.
This is done through the use of two special metallic bracelets, both of which have secret codes encoded within them, in the blank rectangular spaces, which the lasers scanners on the mechanical arms scan to confirm the user's identity and activate the pod's functionalities, automatically forming itself around Tony and become visible as the Mark VII armor.
Technological Characteristics
The Largest Difference between the Mark VI and the older armors is
the new (more powerful) Vibranium Core Arc Reactor, which provides as
much power if not more in a slightly smaller reactor, allowing room for
more improvements. The suit withstands prolonged and extreme combat
situations with relatively minor damage, having only a few noticable
cuts from Ivan Vanko's improved Arc Reactor Whips, despite the Mark V
armor being nearly unrecognizable from a much lower-tech version of the
weapons, although this can be atributable to the Mark V's somewhat lower
technology and armor. It was also shown to be able to punch through the
Hammer Drones with ease. It is shown to use the same OS as the Mark IV,
which is different from the Mark II and III.
The armor was able to absorb a great amount of fellow Avenger Thor Odinson's lightning; and proved powerful enough to go toe to toe with him. The armor is incredibly durable, sustaining little damage in conflict with Thor, and then heavy damage from a Helicarrier propellor. Also, in the beginning of The Avengers, it had the ability to function underwater. This is one of three suits that the movies confirm can work underwater, the others being the Mark 42 and Mark 37.
Armor Design
This armor's design differs from it's former classic red and gold armor designs.
Technological Characteristics
The Mark VII is a bulkier suit equipped with a detachable
backpack, with much more space for repulsor units and weapons. Its chest
piece is circular like most other armors, unlike the triangular chest
piece of the Mark VI.
This suit uses advanced technologies based on the Mark V suitcase armor, which makes it far easier to put on. When not in use, the Mark VII can be folded into a large pod. When activated by J.A.R.V.I.S., it can take flight with its repulsor units and fold-out wings. After making its way to Tony, it extends robotic arms equipped with laser scanners, which sync up with special bracelets worn on Tony's wrists. The armor will automatically wrap itself around him, without any need for external mechanical assistance like previous armors. The armor consisted of air brake flaps, which reduced speeds from 600 mph to 0 mph.
Like previous Iron Man armors, the Mark VII's primary weapons are the repulsor units in its hands.
The Mark VII's repulsor units were upgraded to have a plasma charge in them.
Repulsor Units
Unlike previous armors, the Mark VII is equpped with additional
repulsors for increased thrust and stability. There are two repulsor
units on the chest, and two more on each lower leg.
Two more large repulsor units are carried on a detachable backpack.The armor had two detachable jet thrusters. The thrusters could enable Stark to reach up to speeds from Mach 3 to Mach 9-10. Just to put things into thought, the thrusters allowed Stark to shift from a 0-90 degree angle in a matter of several football fields.
Laser Weapons
The Mark VII had triple laser weapons in each arm. Unlike the
single-use laser weapons of the Mark VI, it was implied that these
weapons fed off of the suit's main power supply. The lasers could
generate upto 5 gigawatts.
Missile Weapons
The armor has a anti-armor missile launcher similar to the one
onboard the Mark III's gauntlets, but much larger. One of these was
powerful enough to blow apart a Chitauri Leviathan when fired between
its armored plating, after the creature had been attacked by the Hulk.
Numerous miniature air-to-air missiles are housed in the shoulder pods, which are a part of the detachable backpack.
The shoulder pod were miniture missiles and fires up to 92 missiles at once
These weapons were used to wipe out many Chitauri during the initial parts of the invasion.
More missiles are located inside the legs, presumably for air-to-ground attack when flying horizontally over a target. These missiles were fired after Iron Man flew inside a Chitauri Leviathan, destroying the creature from within.
This armor contained numerous infrared flares, another feature common
with its predecessors. These flares were used to draw the attention of
the first Chitauri Leviathan.
Similar to the Mark III's, this chin-mounted device seemed to allow Mr. Stark to use local cell sites for wireless communications. It also included a loudspeaker as well as several individually-calibrated directional microphones, which Stark used to pick up exterior sounds.Controlled Unibeam
Stark previously weaponized his RT chest piece in the Mark III by externalizing its light energy into a powerful beam. The thermoplastic lens used to focus the beam's energy was modified for the Mark IV with a variable prismatic shutter that allows Stark to control the beam's intensity.
This suit was located in Stark Tower, and was not yet complete during The Avengers.
With his Mark VI armor heavily damaged, Tony Stark decided to activate
the Mark VII to fight off the Chitauri invasion. This armor's automatic
start-up capability saved Tony after he was thrown from the tower by
Loki in the Avengers.
The Mark VII did not appear in the pier with The Iron Legion. It was destroyed in the attack on Tony's mansion in Malibu, along with the suits in the Hall of Armors.
Technical Information: |
1st Appearance: The Avengers
Continuity: Marvel Cinematics Universe (Earth-199999)
Armor Information: |
Designer/Creator: Tony Stark
Users: Tony Stark
Affiliations: Hall of Armors
Mark Number: Mark VII
Code Name: None
Armor Class: Basic Iron Man Suit
Armor Type: Fully-Loaded Suit
Armor Color: Red With Golden & Silver Plates
Height: User's Height
Weight Level:
Very Light Light Average Heavy Very Heavy Extremely Heavy |
Status: Destroyed
Power Core: Vibranium Arc Reactor Mark I
Strength Level:
Very Low Low Average High Very High Extremely High |
Main Systems: Status System, Flight System, J.A.R.V.I.S. Navigation System, Anti-icing System, Flight Stabilization System
Chest Repulsor (Unibeam) Laser Weapons |
Defense Systems: Enhanced Composite Armor With Ceramic Plating & Silicon-Infused Steel, Fiberglass Frame, Titanium Plating
Special Systems: Pod Deployment System, Backpack Deployment System, Status Mode System
Other Systems: --
Preceded by: Mark VI
Followed by: Mark VIII